
Posts Tagged ‘cod’

18 Ways To Be A Bastard In Games Part 2

So Continuing from the last post. Let’s get those bastard points up!

4. Modern Warfare 2 – One Man Bastard

Most of these malicious tips see you preying on helpless AI.

Want to be a more of that evil kind of bastard?

Get on to modern warfare 2 online!

There’s a new sensation doing the rounds guaranteed to vilify you in an instant.

It’s n00btubing –

the art of clumsily killing enemies with rampant grenade launcher use

– but a potent new strain of n00btubing.

With the One Man Army perk equipped you can change classes mid-fight – when the n00btube runs out of ammo, simply switch to the same class to restock.

Infinite grenades?

Bastard get!

Recently, the tactic at least became challenging due to a patch that increases your class swap time with each swap during a single life. Your bastardly intentions become more difficult the longer you attempt them.

5. Fable II – Consider this, a divorce.

Wives, eh?

Can’t live with ‘em, can’t murder them without accruing evil points.

Time to call in a friend to kill your wife. In co-op mode, the second player takes the bad karma by doing the deed and you stand idly by, dreaming of all the buxom young wenches you can now obtain.

Delete the second player and the world is none the wiser.

It’s basically the plot of Strangers on a Train.

For extra bastard points, take control of the second player and do her in like a split personality psycho killer!

6. Red Faction: Guerilla – Bomberman!

We could have filled our night of bastardry with civilian killing in sandbox games.

So unnecessary and yet so compulsive… A bit like Val Kilmer.

Guerrilla devs Volition are no strangers to random torture impulses, programming in a brilliant panicking animation should you stick a remote charge to a civ’s head.

Arms flapping, they screech around in the dust like a child chased by a bee.

Only it’s not a bee.

It’s a giant metallic charge clamped to their face.

Prolong the fear as long as your bastard gland so desires and push the button.

You… You evil people!

More to come, including GRAND THEFT AUTO IV, BIOSHOCK, RED DEAD REDEMPTION and more!

NEW Call Of Duty: Black Ops Trailer

We, the avid game fans have been given one description;

“Now you will witness the birth of the Elite Special Forces and take part in off-the-record missions using unconventional weaponry to get the job done,” reads GAME’s description. “From Cuba to the Arctic and the jungles of Vietnam, Call of Duty: Black Ops features stunning cinematic graphics and intense gameplay that puts you right at the heart of the action!”

and one trailer (view Below).

If I’m going to be honest I am very impressed. Although the trailer is a mere 1 minute long, it sets a scene of a world in conflict. It clearly seems that its set during the war in vietnam, which will be a breath of fresh air from the likes of previous CoD games (WWII, Modern conflicts eras). However some other clips that are shown (including an arctic setting and what looks like cuba) show that I could be completely wrong.

Missiles launching, exploding laboratories, snowsuit soldiers in wintry environs, crashing helicopters, guys in bandanas, Hueys hovering over cities in flames, and lots more stuff blowing up.

This Sounds like my type Of Game!
Lets see some multiplayer clips and you have me sold!

enjoy the first ever trailer of Call Of Duty: Black Ops

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